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The Archaic Fountain

The Archaic Fountain, which is the oldest known stone fountain in Anatolia and embodies Hellenic art, was constructed at the end of the 7th century BC from andesite stone, measuring 2.5×5 meters in size and 1.30 meters in height. The oldest known fountain structures in Greece are a well dated to the 6th century BC at the Athens Asklepion and a fountain dating back to the 5th century BC found at the Athens Acropolis.

This fountain structure, found in the ancient Smyrna Mound, shares similar architecture with the Hitite burial chamber at Gâvurkalesi near Ankara, small chambers at the corners of the Hitite dam near Büyükkale in Hattusha, and the Tantalos Burial Monument, dating back to 600 BC, which is a tumulus tomb located on Mount Yamanlar. (Akurgal, 1993 and Architect Selin Küçük)