Smyrna Antik Kenti
The Ancient City of Smyrna
MS 200
CE 200
Eski Smyrna Höyüğü
Old Smyrna Höyük
MÖ 600
BCE 600
Yeşilova Höyüğü
Yeşilova Höyük
MÖ 6500
BCE 6500
Central Cultural Heritage Areas
Izmir, one of the few cities in the world where settlement has continued uninterrupted since the Neolithic Age, has many cultural heritage sites from different periods.
Central Cultural Heritage Areas
Izmir, one of the few cities in the world where settlement has continued uninterrupted since the Neolithic Age, has many cultural heritage sites from different periods.
İzmir Genel Haritasını Aç
İzmir General Map